Experts usually recommend varying timelines for how long your child should study. After all, a child’s daily routine should not only cover academics but also his/her online hobby classes and other fun activities for kids, especially at platforms like Yellow Class which have everything from dance and yoga to storytelling and more! However, coming back to the subject of how much a kid should study and there are varying viewpoints in this regard. Kids are usually expected to study for approximately 45 minutes each day at the most. When they start growing up, this will increase approximately. Usually, for smaller children up to 12 years of age, 30-45 minutes each day will suffice. They can revise the daily concepts learned in school/classes and complete all the work to be done. This will keep them updated without any backlog. Of course, for homework and projects, longer durations may be required at times.
Children sometimes face issues in studying at home owing to numerous distractions. Their brains are often programmed to unwind and have fun at home and hence they find it easier to focus on studies when at school. Since almost all schools make use of curricular, people usually assume that the curriculum is the best possible method of learning. It is not by all means. It is the most efficient method of teachers to channelize so many students through the same content in a way that may be tested later on, to assess how much has been understood and retained.
Most parents make the mistake of andriol on line pushing their children to study more, a mistake that can be avoided without a doubt. Make sure that you are not falling in this category, i.e. driving your children towards studies all the time. Give them ample playtime, time to read and pursue their hobbies and other classes and also socialize with you all and friends/buddies. Some time, however, you can mark as non-negotiable on the daily routine or schedule. This is the time when they have to sit down with their studies and assignments. The more you keep everything up-to-date, the more it stays organized and smooth all year round. This is the best way to stay on top of things. Make sure, however, that this 30-45 minutes is pure quality time without any distractions hindering the study routine/pattern in any manner. This should be carefully kept in mind. However, at the most, you can scale it up to an hour on days where the workload is slightly higher. There is no hard and fast rule since kids have different ways, styles and paces of learning. Hence, you have to find out early on what works best for your kid and channelize him/her into the same accordingly. Take it in a flexible manner and you will never be hassled.