The phrase “Evidence Based Autism Treatment” is an unfortunate misnomer. Not only is it vague and potentially misleading, but it also creates a false sense of security for parents who worry about their children. Many of the autism community and professionals working with autistic children cringe when they hear the term “evidence based.” In this article, I will outline what I mean by evidence based treatment.
Autism Treatment
Autism is an expensive disorder, and many times the treatments and therapies put forward don’t work at all. But as there is no cure, the only way ahead is finding what works and improving as much as possible. Evidence Based Autism Treatment is a new approach to treating autism, which has been developed and put together by autism specialist and teacher Isabel De Los Rios. She has spent decades studying and working with this disorder, and her findings are backed up by other researchers and autism specialists in the UK and USA. Her book, Evidence Based Autism Treatment, was published in 2021 and has been widely praised by many professional therapists and parents for its information and treatment methods which have helped countless children.
Let’s start with some definitions. If you are working with a child or adolescent on the autism spectrum disorder, you know that there is a difference between autistic spectrum disorder and Asperger’s Syndrome. This difference in diagnosis is important to any professional who is evaluating a child. They know that the behaviors a child exhibits will be different from those of an average person who isn’t on the autism spectrum disorder or has Asperger’s syndrome.
Because professionals know that these behaviors will vary, they use different diagnostic protocols. A child might be diagnosed with autism if the diagnostic protocol reveals an imbalance in the brain’s brain functions. The child may also be diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome if there is a particular set of behaviors or characteristics common in people without autism but not in those with autism. This difference in diagnostic protocols makes an extreme case for considering alternative treatments for your child. However, you do not want to rely on one method or even two methods.
Evidence Based Autism Treatment
Evidence Based Autism Treatment (also called Evidence Based Practice) is a concept that I developed while working with autistic children. I came up with a description of how the various forms of treatment can work together to choose the most effective type of treatment. I also developed a checklist of specific criteria for selecting an intervention plan for a child with Asperger’s Syndrome or autism spectrum disorder. This checklist covers everything from behavior modification, to social skills and more. A lots of advance gadgets are also involve in different treatment techniques.
There has been a lot of research conducted on evidence based treatments. Much of this research has been done on children with Aspergers syndrome and autism. However, many research studies have been conducted on children without autism. What has been learned about the effectiveness of these treatments can help parents and professionals alike determine if a particular intervention plan is actually the best course of action.
Evidence Based Autism Treatment can be considered a revolution in the field of autism treatment. This new approach takes into account the wide range of differences between different types of autism. This way, specialists can customize an intervention plan for each patient. No longer does a parent have to choose between a disciplined routine and a personalized plan. Now there is a choice with all the elements of a personalized plan with the benefit of tailored instruction.