Irrespective of the topic you’re teaching, having an effective lesson plan helps you make the session productive for the students. Preparing a lesson plan doesn’t necessarily mean it has to be complex or exhaustive. But, it should be precise, comprehensive, and have all the elements that you’ll be presenting to the class.
There should be different sections covering the lesson plan including what you’re teaching, how you’re going to teach that, and what are the objectives of the lesson.
There are great advantages when you build a lesson plan before taking a particular class. Keen to know what those are? We will tell you here. Want to know the effective method to create a stunning lesson plan? You’re at the right place.
Why is Building a Lesson Plan Important
Before exploring the ways to build a lesson plan, let’s talk about how is it beneficial and how it contributes to a productive lesson time.
- Having a set lesson plan helps you take hold of the lesson and be confident about yourself. This way you can encourage the students to focus more on the lesson.
- Building a lesson plan also lets you evaluate your teaching practice and helps you with improving corners if any.
- Creating a lesson plan helps you stay on track and take the class in an organized manner. Not every time things might go as predicted but it allows you to incorporate the right concepts in the class.
- Your lesson plans also act as a guide to substitute teachers and they’ll know exactly which area to hit while taking the class.
The Method to Create an Effective Lesson Plan
Here goes the comprehensive guide to creating an effective lesson plan that yields beneficial productivity to the lessons you take.
Know the Objectives: The first thing that comes while preparing a lesson plan is understanding what you wish to accomplish after the class ends. Suppose you are teaching mensuration, the objective could be the students must know how to find the area of a rhombus. When you have a clear objective for the lesson, preparing it becomes easy.
Even in the platform to sell courses online, where you’re taking an online class, you must be prepared with a lesson plan.
Understanding the Needs of the Students: When you’re about to start a class, convey to the students the lesson objectives. It will help them stay focused on the class. Make sure you know what your students expect, some might need more encouragement than others. Ensure, doing that.
Be Ready With Your Resources: You must be ready with all the resources that you’ll be referring to while taking the class. Any unpreparedness on this part can affect the flow of the lesson and distract the students. Make a list of all the materials that you’ll be using while you take the class.
Ensure Engaging Your Students: What’s the point of creating an effective lesson plan if your students don’t find it interesting? To make them find it engaging, you should make plans to engage your students. Try keeping the class communicative instead of a one-way lecture. This helps develop their attention and they stick to the lesson. Ask questions in between to see if they are getting hold of the concept.
Allow the Students to Self Practice: After teaching something, ensure at least 5 to 10 minutes for the students to self-practice. You can guide them to the practice, or check their work and provide them feedback. This allows the students to have better clarity on the new topic that they learned that day.
If you are taking a class in the platforms to create and sell online courses, consider following the same plan.
Concluding the Lesson: Now, is the time to conclude the lesson. Wrap up with a brief overview of the lesson, ask the students if they have any doubts, and assign some homework for you to check the next day.
Wrapping Up
Here’s a quick recall of what we saw in the article:
- Identify the objective of your lesson.
- Understand your student’s needs.
- Keep handy the resources you’ll be referring to while taking the class.
- Keep the session engaging.
- Allow room for students to practice.
- Conduct a quick recap of the topic.
Are you going to try out the lesson plan in your next class?