We’ve all heard of CPR, but in an emergency situation, would you have the confidence to perform this life-saving procedure? Even for those who are familiar with chest compressions and rescue breaths, CPR certification classes online are still the best way to learn this important skill. Every year, hundreds of thousands of American lives are lost to cardiac arrest. If more people are trained and certified in CPR, lives could be saved.
But what’s the best way to become CPR certified? While, traditionally, students had to pack themselves into a rec center a few nights a week, online learning has revolutionized CPR training. Now, you can become completely CPR certified or recertified without ever stepping foot into a crowded rec center. Here, we’re taking a closer look at CPR certification and how—yes, really—you can earn your CPR certification through 100 percent online classes.
CPR, or cardiopulmonary resuscitation, is a common life-saving procedure designed to aid someone who can’t breathe or their heart has stopped. Through a combination of chest compressions and rescue breaths, a bystander trained in CPR can dramatically improve the survival rate of a cardiac arrest victim.
CPR essentially helps the body mimic the functions of your heart. When stopped, the heart is unable to pump oxygen-rich blood to your brain and other vital organs. Within just minutes, this lack of oxygen and other nutrients can lead to permanent brain damage or even prove fatal. In fact, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the mortality rate for cardiac arrests that occur outside of a hospital is between 70 to 90 percent. If more bystanders were professionally trained and certified in CPR, this number would certainly drop.
Even for those with experience performing CPR, professional certification is important to ensure that you’ve received the most comprehensive and up-to-date training. Performing CPR might seem relatively straightforward, but there are in fact guidelines that are constantly being updated to improve the effectiveness of this technique.
For example, in light of the recent COVID-19 pandemic, the AHA has updated their guidelines to include enhanced safety measures for CPR providers. To limit the spread of COVID-19, some of these guidelines include limiting who works with the victim and how to properly use personal protective equipment (PPE).
Additionally, CPR training and certification can give you the skills, knowledge, and confidence to take action in the event of an emergency. Even if you “know” how to perform CPR, you may be unsure of stepping in if you witness a cardiac arrest episode. Knowing you’re fully trained will give you the confidence to take action.
Without a doubt—yes. In recent years, eLearning and digital classes have become much more sophisticated and accessible. At all levels of education, there’s now usually an online option. In higher education, it’s now even possible to earn a complete college degree online. Imagine earning your degree without ever having to deal with campus parking.
These advantages are now true for CPR training and certification. Many CPR programs now offer 100 percent online classes that are accessible from your laptop, tablet, or phone. You can begin learning CPR right away and dig through the lessons at your own pace. Following the completion of your final test, you can then print off your CPR certification card. Many students complete their coursework within a matter of days.
If you need CPR certification or CPR recertification, you should certainly look into online CPR classes. Compared to the in-person model of CPR training, there are several unique benefits to turning to the online model. Many students are shocked by how comprehensive and effective online CPR training can be.
Here are some of the top benefits to earning your CPR certification online:
1. Convenience.
There’s no more convenient way to learn CPR than with online CPR training. With online classes, the student is in the driver’s seat. You can begin right away, start and stop any lesson at any time, and put your lessons on pause when needed. This makes online CPR certification perfect for those with a hectic, busy schedule.
2. Speed.
If you need your CPR certification or CPR recertification fast, enrolling in online classes is the way to go. Traditional CPR classes force students to fit into their schedule. With online CPR classes, you can instantly start learning and complete your lessons at your pace. Some students are able to complete their classes and earn their CPR certification within just a matter of days—or even hours.
3. Cost-effective.
Traditional CPR programs have a lot of overhead costs. Instructors, renting out spaces, and printing off materials all certainly add up. Online CPR classes, however, can cut most of these costs, meaning they can then pass on the savings to you. Many CPR training companies even offer online bundled classes, such as a combo CPR/AED course, which means you can learn even more vital skills.
4. Adapted to diverse learners.
For many students, in-person CPR classes can feel restrictive in how they impart lessons and skills. Online classes, however, are generally able to meet the needs of more diverse learners because digital classes truly put learning in the hands of the student. Since you control the pace of the lessons, you can slow down when needed and repeat core sections of information. Online learners also don’t have to deal with the pressures faced by in-person classes to “keep up” with others.
CPR training has truly come a long way. With recent advancement in digital tools and eLearning platforms, students can now learn CPR and earn their certification with CPR classes online. Forget the days of rushing through traffic and getting stuffed into a crowded rec center. Online CPR classes are convenient, fast, and often more cost-effective. If you want to make a difference be a more prepared, confident person, consider enrolling in an online CPR class. One day, this decision could even save a life.