The nervous system in the human body is quite complex with millions of neurons interlinked to carry our specific body functions. Being the master system that controls all other systems in the body, the neurons are capable of degenerating easily. The average prevalence rate of common neurological disorders in India is about 2394/100000 population. Some common neurological disorders are, Alzheimer’s disease, tumors and injury to the brain and spinal cord, epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, seizures, stroke, tremors, etc.
Neurology is a medical specialty that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of neurological problems. Our dedicated neurological department is armed with the best laboratory and infrastructure to diagnose specific neurological problems at the earliest. Our neurologists carry out tests like EEG, EMG, NCV, etc to identify the medical problem and treat the condition accordingly. We frame a long-term treatment plan for individual patients and render them expert and individualized care.
Deep brain stimulation surgery:
Deep brain stimulation is an elective surgical procedure in which the electrodes are implanted in particular brain areas. These electrodes and leads generate electrical impulses that control abnormal brain activity. The electrical impulses that are generated are capable of adjusting for the imbalances in the brain chemically, which can alone be the reason for many disease conditions. In this surgery, the stimulation of the brain is controlled with the help of a programming device, that is generally placed in the upper chest under the skin. This is the DBS surgery and the DBS surgery price is about 12,00,000 to Rs. 16,00,000 INR
In this surgery, the electrode, or the lead is a thin and insulated wire that is inserted with the help of a small opening at the skill, and the lead gets implanted in the specific brain area as well. The extension wire also gets insulated and passes under the skin in the head, neck, and shoulder. These leads connect the electrode with the internal pulse generator of the IPG. The IPG is the third piece of the system and it is generally implanted under the chest in the upper chest.
The DBS surgery cost in turkey is much less and several eminent health centers like medigence render advanced surgery for international clients through their medical tourism initiatives. The procedure is used when the medications are no longer required for patients to maintain a good quality of life. The health center offers a multidisciplinary team to take good care of the patients and conduct the surgery effectively. But before considering the patients for surgical treatments such as deep brain stimulation surgery, the doctor will prescribe physical therapy and medications.
Bottom Line:
DBS can be performed on one or both sides of the brain, depending on the symptoms. The effects of this surgery are reversible and can be easily customized based on the clinical status of individual clients. The surgery comes as a potential cure for Parkinson’s disease and there is a 1% risk of brain hemorrhage and stroke in this surgery, infection, etc.