Should you buy Facebook likes? Whether you’re the social media manager for a major brand or you’re just trying to get your own business off the ground, it can be tempting to pay for likes. After all, it can take a long time to build up followers organically. There’s all the posting, replying, and upkeep. It’s a lot to handle.
But buying Facebook likes can do more harm than good. In this case, you get what you pay for totally rings true. If you pay $10 for 1,000 likes, you’ll end up with an unqualified, disengaged audience or even fake likes from fake accounts. In the end, it’s just a waste of money. And what’s worse? It can actually hurt your Facebook performance in the long run. Here’s everything you should know about best place to buy facebook likes and why you shouldn’t do it.
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How to buy Facebook likes
How do you buy Facebook likes? There are hundreds of sites out there that promote paying for likes and for cheap. Just search “buy Facebook likes,” and you’ll find websites promising to “boost your Facebook likes in seconds!” for prices that seem too good to be true. You can pay for likes from sites like,, or even Fiverr. In a few days, your page’s following will go up by thousands.
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Why you shouldn’t buy Facebook likes
There are lots of reasons why buying Facebook likes is bad for business, but they all boil down to one thing: Those new likes your buying? They’re either not real people, they’re not active accounts, or they’re not users who would be interested in what you have to offer. Buying likes does not generate sales and it can make it even harder to reach your real fans.
EdgeRank: Facebook uses the EdgeRank algorithm to measure your page’s engagement: How many people interact with your post? How many users like it, comment on it, or share it with others?
A high EdgeRank means you’re offering good content that your followers enjoy or find useful. A low one? That means your content doesn’t drive engagement, and Facebook will only show it to a tiny portion of your followers if any.
Unqualified, uninterested followers and fake users rarely if ever interact with posts, even on pages they “like.” This leads to low engagement.
Organic reach: Your page reach is directly tied to your EdgeRank, so when your EdgeRank suffers, so does the total reach of your page. Your content isn’t displayed in as many followers’ NewsFeeds, and therefore your followers’ social circles don’t see your page in their feeds either. It’s a slippery slope to social invisibility.
Lead generation: At the end of the day, the goal of your Facebook efforts is to draw in new customers and sales, right? Buying Facebook likes does absolutely nothing to further this. While it might give you an uptick on your page’s likes, it hurts your overall page reach, and it definitely doesn’t mean there are more potential customers for you to connect with.
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