You might have heard about swamp coolers and wonder what they are in the first place and what they do. This term is another name for evaporative coolers. This is a device that is utilized to cool the air inside a room or space.
They differ from traditional air conditioners because they don’t use absorption refrigeration cycles or vapor compression. Their basics include using water that evaporates into the air to cool it. These are the four steps involved when you bring this air cooler into your home.
- The water is put into the bottom where the supply valve is.
- Pumps will pull out the water through its dedicated distribution lines, and they will be transferred into the pads.
- The blower motors are going to pull into the warmer air through the pads
- The cool air will then go through the vents of your home, which can bring you more comfort in the summer.
Benefits to Know About
1. They are Less Expensive
When you compare an air cooler with the traditional AC, you’ll realize that they are inexpensive and more affordable. You can check out the swamp cooler prices in the link provided. Know that the units themselves may cost less than a thousand dollars, while the installation can range from $200 to $2000. These will include the supplies, materials, and labor needed to do the job well. You’ll also get savings every month because these appliances will operate with just the help of fans, pumps, and water.
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On the other hand, a window-type inverter-grade AC can cost from $300 to $1500. The ductless options may set you back around $2,500, and the central HVAC systems are around $8,000, including installation.
The majority of these units require professional installation and maintenance. Meanwhile, you can always install the coolers using the DIY route. The units may cost you around $500 to $1000, while the whole house feature is about $4000. They are half-price compared to the ACs nowadays.
2. Easier to Maintain
If you’re going to use them, know that these appliances require maintenance so that you’ll continue to breathe fresh air and keep them functioning efficiently. The maintenance is a simple one which you can do in your spare time, and it won’t cost you anything. You just have to clean the filters and the water at least twice a week.
On the other hand, there are AC units that may cost you around $80 to $100 each year for maintenance alone. If you need repairs with them and some parts need replacement, the expenses can go up to $2,000. If you’re maintaining your swamp cooler, there’s no need to buy expensive units.
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3. Best for a Drier Climate
You may live in an area with dry and low humidity. If so, then the swamp cooler might be best for you and the entire household. These will control humidity by increasing the moisture levels in the air. If the whole home has moisture brought in and cooled, you can feel much more comfortable while sleeping.
When you’re considering ACs, know that they are removing moisture in the air. This is why some people install a humidifier in their rooms to add moisture. Drier climates may result in drier skin and eyes, which may not go well with other people. Read more info about these appliances in this link here.
4. Environment-Friendly Option
Most of the ACs may emit carbon dioxide and other refrigerants that are harmful to the environment. But the swamp coolers only use water to make the air comfortable. When the AC is running, know that various chemicals are turned from liquid to gas. It releases a lot of carbon dioxide into the environment while it’s running and can contribute to the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
In the older models, some have chlorofluorocarbons that add to global warming. These chemicals are harmful to a lot of people and the environment. They are not healthy when you’re frequently breathing them. Swamp coolers are the best alternatives if you want to live in a safer environment.
5. Quiet Operations
If you ever own an AC, you can begin to notice the noise they are generating and how loud they can be at night. These noises usually come from the condenser units when the chemicals inside are converted from liquid to gas. On the other hand, there’s the swamp cooler that has quieter operations, even if they are just inches away from you.
Considerations to Know About
Sizes: The swamp coolers are often used by many people as a whole-house cooling system. They are set up similar to that of a central AC, and they should have the appropriate sizes. While some HVACs are measured in British Thermal Units or BTUs, most of the coolers are rated according to their output per cubic feet per minute. You can call a technician to know more about these ratings and make sure to select one that will give you a lot of savings in your utility bills.
Installation: Sometimes, the installation may take place inside your attic, roof, or basement. Know that the ducts are interlinked together, and the existing ones should be compatible with a swamp cooler. If your house is relatively new and you want to install the entire ductwork, you should move your appliance into a central location so it can work more efficiently.
Closing and opening your doors and windows can help direct the cooled air into various rooms inside your house. You can also try using the evaporative and smaller cooler versions where you can simply plug them in. Some of these portable coolers are available online, and they can be used in scorching summers.
Whole house installation may cost around $1500 to $5000, including installation. However, you can also opt for the portable ones that cost about $100 to $400 per piece, and they require no installation. You just have to plug them in and add water to the bottom trays. There may also be a need to replace the pads every season, which can cost you around $25 per set.