The introduction of your lab report ought to possess the attire of arresting the reader and incorporate preview that contains important details you’ll be majoring on in the later parts of the paper. This is the first paragraph of your report so, it should impress the readers and make them develop an appetite of reading the whole report.
The introduction should grasp the details of the report accordingly and should be drawn using an abstract drawn before beginning to write the report. The length of your introduction should concur with the requirements given by your instructor, it could be anywhere from three or four paragraphs.
Below are some tips for citing your introduction:
- Begin your introduction with a wide introduction to the topic. Take for example, you are citing a lab report about an experimentation where you tested the effect of temperature on the enzyme catalase. You will better begin the introduction by explaining what enzymes are and how they work.
- Next, confine the introduction to specifically major on the topic you are investigating, and why the study you did counts a lot. In the catalase example, you should center on what the catalase enzyme does, where it is found, how it works, and why it stands to act as a key enzyme to your study and how this enzyme is affected by the temperature.
- The introduction should also incorporate a literature review that deliberate about, what is already known pertaining the topic. This is the point where you sum up the research you have done about your topic. Ensure you professionally cite all the sources you used in your case study.
- Finally, outline the aim of your study, the hypothesis you tested in your study, and/or the mystery you were trying to tackle.
In the opinion of, a lab report writing service company. Most important you need to comprehend that the introduction should not encompass the details about the procedures you applied in your study. Spare these for the Materials and Methods section. Also omit the results, in order to be drawn in the Results section.
Osteoporotic fractures, especially hip fractures, form a large and growing problem worldwide, in both women and men, with a cute impact on quality of life [1] and mortality [2]. The fracture risk is triggered both by the genetic constitution and by environmental factors, with lifestyle becoming more important with increasing age [3].
Physical activity, one credible and altered risk factor, can limit fractures by enhancing muscle mass and balance, and by increasing skeletal strength, and thus limiting the risk of injurious falls [4, 5]. However, the clinical relevance regarding exercise for maintaining or improving bone mineral density in adult men cannot be based on existing studies [6, 7].
The examination of the effects of physical activity on the most important outcome—fracture risk—should preferably be weighed in a randomized study, but this design is unlikely to ever be well conducted owing to methodological issues, e.g., study size, compliance, drop-outs, blinding and long-term follow-up. Therefore, it is unfortunately true that there are no randomized trials in this area.
Although moderate levels of leisure physical activity, such as walking, has to do with a substantially lower risk of hip fracture in postmenopausal women [8], data from intended observational fracture studies in men does not add up. Whereas some studies in men report significant reductions in risk with a high physical activity [9–12], others do not [13–17]. Lack of validation and the absence of regular assessment of physical activity during follow-up may be factors that state these contradictory results. The analyses in the positive reports have incorporated few osteoporotic fractures, and no consistent dose-response pattern has been detected. To add on, only a few study cases have taken possible confounding by poor health into account, and in none of the studies has it been considered that changes in physical activity and other lifestyle habits might have occurred during follow-up. Thus, it is uncertain whether, to what extent, and at what level physical activity influences the risk of osteoporotic fractures in men. This study therefore investigated the impact of physical activity on the risk of fracture in a population-based cohort of men followed over a 35-y period.
In the first paragraph of this introduction we learned some general information about bone fractures. The second paragraph confined the discussion down to talk specifically about how exercise is related to bone fractures. The third paragraph notifies us why the current study is so vital. The final paragraph takes off with a literature review stating to us what sorts of previous studies have been carried out on this topic. The last sentence then avails to us the aim of the current study. The numbers in brackets are citations for papers that would be outlined at the climax of the paper, in the References or Works Cited section. Hover your cursor over highlighted terms for the definition.