The concept of work from home (WFH) is becoming more and more popular, every day. This is partly due to the raging pandemic that has upended our workspaces and styles all over the world. The daily 9 to 5 commutes have given way to people logging on to their workstations from their living rooms. However, working from home has its own disadvantages ranging from distractions to running errands. This is the part where a dedicated home office comes into the picture. Let us see how you can go about setting one in your home, on a tight budget:
Your office has to be an office only and nothing else
An office is nothing but an office. Period. Full stop! You cannot convert it into a bedroom at night, or a den, or a living room. There are no makeshift solutions here. Sure, you ‘can’ work from your dining room table, but not only is it highly unprofessional, but it is counterproductive as well. If you want to continue to earn your bread and butter, it would be a great idea to treat the office purely as an office. I.e. the same as your actual office.
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You will need a separate and dedicated space as well as a state-of-the-art workstation. Apart from that, you will also need 24 hour uninterrupted internet, smart devices for seamless connectivity with your team, secure file sharing etc. Finally, you will also need the privacy to work the same hours that you would put into your everyday work life.
Set your budget beforehand
Once you decide to set up a permanent workspace, it is time to find out just what you can afford. This way you will be able to get rid of the frivolous stuff and concentrate on the really important articles. For example, it might be possible to set up an office for a mere $200 or so.
But realistically speaking, you should be looking at anything from $800 to $1000 approx. This, however, applies if you already have the extra space or room to create a dedicated office and there is no need to renovate the whole place.
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In this case, you will need an amount necessary for small decorations (you will be holding virtual meetings with your seniors so it makes sense to create a good impression). Moreover, you will also need your workstation and the required equipment to kick-start your home-based office.
Create a customized floor plan
Merely pushing furniture around doesn’t really do the trick. You will have to spend some time to figure out what you need to remove and what you need to put in. Remember, you will be spending most of your waking hours in the office. This is why stopgap measures will only prove to be counterproductive. You have to consider the measurements regarding your elbow room, your leg space, and how best you can utilize your office space to increase your output.
Figure out your own capabilities
See what you can do on your own before asking for quotations from professionals. Sometimes, painting the walls a nice shade of blue or putting together an Ikea desk is not that hard. You can also get by without a professional interior decorator if you have a well-developed sense of aesthetics.
However, here it is very important to remember that not all jobs can turn out to be DIY (do it yourself) projects. For example, if you have to add a whole new wing or even renovate an old one. It would be a good idea to call in the professionals who do this kind of a thing for a living.
o Use whatever is available
It is not necessary to purchase new items when the old ones work perfectly fine. If you can get by with your old stuff, you will be able to save a lot of funds in the bargain. For example, a comfortable armchair can be ideal for some quick brainstorming when you want to take a break from your workstation.
How about a few inspirational photographs from your camping trip? In fact, many everyday items in your home can be put to good use in your office without incurring any additional expense.
o Talk to the experts
You might consider remodeling your house with the help of professionals who excel in home remodel in Sacramento. Many of them give very economical rates and can also come up with a few excellent suggestions. These experts can use their experience to help you to stay well within your budget and save a lot of money.
It is possible to set up a home office on even a budget as low as $1000. As long as it is a dedicated workplace, all is well and good. However, you should always talk to the experts before you make any decision in this regard.
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