After the last two tumultuous years when COVID ravaged its way across all aspects of work and society, few would deny our world is a very different place. The lockdowns and distancing restrictions imposed by authorities around the globe have transformed almost all aspects of modern life, including how we work and socialize.
As companies globally were forced to change working practices, adapt to remote working, and rely increasingly on tech like cloud services and Artificial Intelligence (AI) platforms, so many of our more traditional jobs have either disappeared or changed almost beyond recognition.
A fourth industrial revolution
Almost to make matters worse, most industry experts agree we’re currently in the throes of a fourth industrial revolution – often referred to as Industry 4.0 – a time when man and machine will co-exist in harmony for the betterment of all. However, while the prospect of relying on machines and tech may well lead to greater productivity and efficiency, it will also likely reduce the number of work opportunities available for most people.
Moreover, through the recent Coronavirus pandemic, most firms have had to take a long hard look at their previous operating systems and spend time thinking about how best to streamline and cut costs. In turn, this has led to many companies looking to technology and online, cloud-based systems to help improve their procedures. Between the spread of the virus and the increasing sophistication of tech, it’s almost the perfect storm when it comes to trying to work out a safe career path.
Business start-up ideas that will most likely be in demand in future years
While no one can 100% say what the future might bring, most recruitment/employment specialists agree that some roles are more likely to remain in demand than others. Below are just a few:
Jobs in the delivery/courier sector: The massive growth of online shopping has, in turn, led to a huge surge in demand for delivery contractors (especially for the so-called final mile courier services). The e-com sector shows absolutely no signs of slowing, meaning that starting a delivery company should see your fledgling firm in constant demand for many years to come. Check online for your local Used van dealership to get the best prices on suitable transport to use.
Work in data science: We live in an increasingly digital society where computers and data are an integral part of almost everything we do. Indeed, our reliance on tech, the web, and computers has convinced many experts to suggest data is now the most valuable commodity in the world – outstripping the value of even traditional heavy-hitters like gold and oil. Understanding how this data can be gathered, interpreted, and used by firms will undoubtedly be a skill that will be in huge demand in years to come.
Learn programming: Computers and tech are now an integral part of almost everything we do. Starting up a coding company (or at least running a business that can advise other companies about their computing systems) will ensure you have a steady flow of work.
Work as a freelancer: COVID made most companies reevaluate their working practices to the point many are now questioning the relative value of employing full-time staff, all working under the same roof. As companies move more and more to embracing cloud technologies and connected networking tech, so the opportunities for working in a freelance remote capacity have increased.