Although the title may discribe a somehow popular thing especially dads do, when using their kid as an excuse to buy toys they always secretly wished for, this is not about the latest model of playstation or a 3 level doll house fully furnished. It is about a product that, at first glance, doesn’t seem to have anything special, but whose customer feedback is 100% positive. What makes you happy when it comes to your child? I know, the standard answer is his/her happiness and I agree this is the basis of all our life choices and efforts. But on the short term, what does the trick for you? Be honest, it’s only between me and you. Aren’t you a bit happy when it is still early in the evening and the kid is fast asleep? Isn’t this a gift you cherish and feel the urge to protect? You turn the volume down, avoid any disturbance and almost don’t know what to do with this spare time you have, as the occassion is rare and you don’t want to waste it. What would you say if I told you this will be the case everynight if you decide to buy a weighted blanket for kids
It seems too good to be true, but it isn’t. It is something very simple if you think about it and this is why it cannot go wrong. Its effect doesn’t depend on the child’s personality, age or gender as it is the perfect solution for a basic need all beings have – security. A weighted blanket chosen correcly equals to 10% of the weight of the beneficiary, gives a feeling of safety during all sleep sessions, making them last longer and erasing any interruptions. So there is no expiry date for its efficiency as it is a fundamental need it answers to.
The Hazli products are even better. They offer a lot of colourful options for you to choose the best weighted blanket for kids with removable cover, one you can wash with no fear it will get spoiled. Made of 100% breathable cotton filled with hypo-allergenic micro glass beads and one layer of microfiber, it keeps a constant pressure on the body and preserves its temperature, all these components contributing to its calming effect.
I am still amazed by its powers and simplicity. I simply cannot understand how come nobody thought of it before and why doesn’t everyone share this discovery if it is finally here. Wherever I see someone with a kid I have the sudden urge to go and tell them about the weighted blanket for kids with removable cover and its benefits, like a Jehova’s witness wanna-be. I am not a sales representative, although I sometime act like one, I am only a very grateful parent, who is not sleep deprived anymore and doesn’t feel as useless and frustrated for not being able to make the sleeping routine of a kid fun and convincing enough for him/her to accept peacefully, as they do in movies.
So yes, it is a present for the whole family, even if it doesn’t seem so from the beginning. And it’s one worth offering to anyone you know has or plans of having children. Because it helps you survive parenthood with less trauma on all parties involved.