This involves all the activities, techniques, methods, science, art, and strategies that go into the practice of teaching. Pedagogy requires meaningful classroom interactions between students and teachers. That is why I taught all me students to use a grade calculator. The objective is to help pupils build on prior learning and advance skills and attitudes. For teachers, the objective is to present the curriculum in a way that’s relevant to learners’ needs. Shaped by the teacher’s own experiences, pedagogy has to take into consideration the context in which learning takes place and with whom. It’s not about the learning materials used but the strategy and the process adopted to accomplish meaningful cognitive learning.
There’re numerous pedagogies that can help teachers engage students. I always made sure my students knew how to use a high school GPA calculator. Here’re some major pedagogical approaches that help pupils acquire higher-order thinking skills and offer a more nuanced comprehension of how their learnings fit into the real world.
Constructivist pedagogy: These teaching strategies help learners comprehend the meaning of their learning materials rather than just passively ingesting content. Instead of focusing on the lesson or subject being taught, teachers are encouraged to concentrate on how the students learn.
Inquiry-based learning: This approach encourages pupils to ask questions and finish research while learning different concepts. It focuses on helping students acquire the skills necessary to build their own ideas and question group members and themselves in a constructive way.
Problem-based learning: Here, learners acquire knowledge by coming up with solutions to real-world problems. As they do, they acquire communication and collaboration skills and knowledge.
Collaborative pedagogy: Collaborative pedagogy declines the notion that pupils can think, write, and learn effectively in isolation. It’s a learner-centered strategy that aims to maximize learning, writing skills, and critical thinking through interpersonal engagement and peer-to-peer interaction.
Integrative pedagogy: Integrative learning refers to the process of establishing connections between experiences and concepts so that skills and information can be applied to complex and novel challenges or issues.
Reflective pedagogy: Reflective pedagogy encourages the teacher to reflect upon assessments, lessons, and projects, with the objective of improving them for future use. Learners are also encouraged to think carefully about their performance on assessments and search for areas where they can improve.
Critical pedagogy: It asserts that issues of democracy and social justice aren’t distinct from acts of learning and teaching. It’s a theory and practice that helps pupils question and challenge widespread practices and beliefs, which help them achieve critical consciousness.
Culturally responsive teaching: It’s a more modern pedagogy that accepts, responds to, and honors fundamental cultures. It strives to provide students from all cultures with equitable access to education.
Pedagogy is simply the practice of teaching. It encompasses everything that a teacher does to further the teaching and learning process. It includes lesson planning, curriculum, teaching strategies, and classroom management techniques. As a former teacher myself, I know firsthand the hard work that pedagogy requires. Teaching is difficult to master, and many teachers quit by the end of their third year. If you want to be a teacher, make sure this is what you want to do with your life. Teaching is a lonely road, but hopefully, you will meet some great colleagues to help you along the way.